
When i was in Haslingden i went to the Halo. When i talked to someone from Haslingden they said to me that the Halo was put there as in that area there has been ufo sightings and they said it takes most of the lightning what might hit haslingden has they are high up.

These are some of the images i took when up at the Halo.

Edward Atkinson Hornel

When going to the art gallery in Manchester I saw this painting and I liked all of the colours and like how innocent the children look in the painting with them sat on the ground.

But it makes you think:

Why are they they alone? Is anyone else there? Where is it set?


I like the autumn colours in the picture as you can clearly see the season this was painted in.


I like the way the children are sat on the floor and how he painted their faces to look more innocent than they could be.

tom tom .jpg



For the first part of my shoot I placed my model for the shoot in the middle of the studio because it would look even in the background that I had. At first I decided to make the background look ‘messy’ by placing objects ‘all over the place’. As the shoot progressed I decided to add more objects to the background, the reason I had the background look ‘messy’ is I wanted it to look different and seem somewhat mysterious. I wanted the viewer to think of questions like: Why is he there? What has happened? How long has he been there for? For the next part I decided to take the objects away to see how it would look without and experiment with clothing for effect.

